Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Next In Line Audio Review Opportunity

Hey hey everyone!

I know it's just gearing up to Christmas and the New Year, and everyone is busy, busy busy. But, who else has been busy? Erin Mallon and Teddy Hamilton! We're hoping to have the audiobook for Next In Line relatively soon. So, therefore, I'm asking you, who have reviewed audiobooks for Amy Daws before, if you would like to do so again! If you don't have the time to listen and review, but would like to share the news, that would be so appreciated, as well!

Now, I should say, there is the chance that we have more requests than codes available, if so, chance and luck have to be on your side, but we will try to get a code to everyone requesting. We ask that you post your review no more than a week after release day  -  but since with Audible, you never know the actual release day, we aren't super, duper strict on this! Just, get it listened to and reviewed, as soon as you can.

So, who's excited?! (I know I am.. good lord, Teddy as Sam sounds FANTASTIC!!!) Fill in the form to express your interest, and I'll hit you up with more news once we know more, regarding dates, release day info for blog/social media shares and so forth.
Enter all your deets here and hopefully we are all listening soon:

In the meantime, thank you for all your help always and may you have some calm but joyous holidays with your loved ones!


Julia Heudorf
Personal Assistant for Amy Daws

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